BJSHS Cross Country Important Info
The Girard invitational at Greenbush has been rescheduled for Monday, September 16. All participants will be dismissed at 1:00 PM. Departure time is 1:15 PM. Please contact Coach Beaver through email with any questions.
Mr. Barnes
Mini Cheer Clinic
MS Football and Volleyball
Just a reminder that the Middle School VB/FB games against Eureka Thursday will be played at home. Volleyball will begin at 4:30 in the Bluestem Elementary gym followed by football at the district stadium at 6:00.
Girard XC meet Information
BJSHS Sept 9-14 Weekly Activities
There will be a Junior Class parent meeting on Monday, September 9th at 6pm. I look forward to seeing everyone there!
Clearwater HS/MS Cross Country Invitational
Location: Clearwater MS/HS
Date: 9/5/2019
Bluestem Outdoor Club needs your help! This club is sponsored by fundraisers and students themselves. We are ordering new jerseys this year for the archery team, trap team, and fishing team and are looking for sponsors. A $200 sponsorship will get your logo on all 3 jerseys. For more information please contact Darren Jackson at 316-253-0043.
On Labor Day the Bluestem Trap team participated in a dove hunt sponsored by Kansas Outdoor Mentors Shooting Sports Outreach Program in Haven, KS. We would like to thank Alan Howard of Results Realty for opening up his land for the kids to hunt on.
The scheduled home JV football game on 9/9/2019 has been cancelled.
There will be a Junior Class parent meeting on Monday, September 9th at 6pm.
Weekly Activities
There will be no activity buses available this evening due to the Fall Sports Preview.
Tonights All Sports Parent meeting will be moved to the BJSHS Auditorium. The meeting begins at 5:30 PM.
Have a great day!
Fall Plant Sale Order Form!
Click the link to access:
Butler County Special Ed Announcement
Activity Buses
The Activity Buses will begin next week, 8/19/2019. Transportation will offer 3 different routes including Bluestem, Latham/Beaumont and Haverhill. Buses will be available for loading in the district office parking lot at 6:15 pm each day and depart at 6:30.
Fall Sports Information
Reminder that fall sports practices begin Monday, August 19th. All participants must have a physical and signed concussion form on file before they are eligible to participate.
Booster Club is having a kick off meeting in the library at 6:00pm. All are welcome to attend.