D0205-Bluestem is dedicated to provide an educational, healthy, and well-being environment for our students. Our schools work to integrate a safe student learning abilities and a wellness program. Bluestem Wellness Committee is also charged with recommending policies that promote positive student and employee health. These policies and guidelines are updated annually and are provided for parents and staff members.
Bluestem extends an invitation to all community members wishing to be involved/attend the Wellness Committee meetings to please contact the district office for more information call 742-3261. The committee meets once per semester.
General Guidelines
Substitutions are provided for students with medical disabilities identified by a licensed physician that require meal modifications per the signed Meal Modification Form 19-B.
Substitutions are provided for students with allergies and intolerances that do not rise to the level of a disability, identified by a Recognized Medical Authority on the signed Meal Modification Form.
The food service area is clean, orderly, and has an inviting atmosphere.
All school food service personnel receive required food safety training at a minimum of every 5 years. Continuing education training for all food service personnel meets federal and state requirements.
All school food service personnel receive Opaa food safety training and civil right training annually.
The K-6 dining area has seating to accommodate all students during each serving period.
JR/High School: Closed campus. Students must remain at school during lunch periods.
The dining area has adult supervision.
The dining area has food service personnel and supervisory staff use positive communication cues with students to promote consumption of foods served as part of Child Nutrition Programs.
The dining area had adults model healthy eating in the dining areas and encourage students to taste new and/or unfamiliar foods.
Mealtime conversation is not prohibited for the entire mealtime as disciplinary action.
Reimbursable meals and/or parts of a reimbursable meal are not withheld or denied as a disciplinary action.
One "Smarter Lunchroom" or a Behavioral Economics technique is used on the serving line to encourage healthy choices by students.
All school breakfasts comply with USDA regulations and state policies.
At least three different fruits are offered each week on three different days. At least one fruit per week is served fresh.
Students have at least 10 minutes "seat time" to eat breakfast (not including time spent walking to and from class or waiting in line).
Students have at least 15 minutes "seat time" to eat breakfast (not including time spent walking to and from class or waiting in line).
All school lunches comply with USDA regulations and state policies.
At least three different fruits are offered each week. Two fruits per week are served fresh.
Offer one additional 1/2 cup* vegetable offering weekly from any of three vegetable subgroups (dark-green, red/orange, dry beans and peas).
Students have at least 15 minutes "seat time" to eat lunch not including time spent walking to/from class or waiting in line.
Students have at least 20 minutes "seat time" to eat lunch not including time spent walking to/from class or waiting in line.
All Food Sold in Schools
All foods and beverages sold in schools are in compliance with USDA's Smart Snacks in School "All Foods Sold in Schools" Standards from the midnight before to 30 minutes after the end of the official school day.
All foods and beverages sold in schools are in compliance with USDA's Smart Snacks in School "All Foods Sold in Schools" Standards from the midnight before to 5 pm.
USDA's Smart Snacks in School Beverage Standards for middle schools apply to high school (only 100% juice, water, milk).
During the School Day
Students have access to free drinking water throughout the school day, including during meal service. Hygiene standards for all methods delivering drinking water will be maintained.
Students are allowed to have clear/translucent individual water bottles in the classroom.
Teachers and parents are provided with information on healthy options for classroom rewards, parties and celebrations that meet Smart Snacks in School "All Foods Sold in Schools" Standards.
All foods and beverages provided by teachers and the school for classroom rewards, parties and celebrations meet Smart Snacks in School "All Foods Sold in Schools" Standards.
Foods and beverages for classroom rewards, parties and celebrations will not be provided within one hour before or after the end of the last lunch period.
Food is not used as a reward.
Fundraising within the school day meets "All Foods Sold in Schools" Standards (sans the exempted fundraisers).
Fundraising within the school day and until 5 pm meets "All Foods Sold in Schools" Standards (sans the exempted fundraisers).
Fundraising activities involving the sale of food or beverages that meet "All Foods Sold in Schools"
Standards and/or exempted fundraisers will not take place until after the end of last lunch period.
Nutrition Education/Nutrition Promotion
School promotes participation in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast
Program (SBP) if applicable and to choose nutritious foods and beverages throughout the day.
Menus are posted on school website usd205.com and/or distributed to families via another method.
Students provide input on foods offered in the cafeteria.
Nutrition Education
All students in grades K-12, including those with disabilities, special health care needs and in alternative education settings, will have the opportunity to participate in culturally relevant participatory activities and a variety of learning experiences that support development of healthful eating habits that are based on the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans and evidence-based information.
Include nutrition education as part of health education classes and/or stand-alone courses for all grade levels, including curricula that promote skill development.
Active learning experiences are provided such as involving students in food preparation or other hands-on activities.
Integrate nutrition education into other core subjects such as math, science, language arts, and social sciences, as well as in non-core and elective subjects.
Include nutrition and health posters, signage, or displays in the cafeteria food service and dining areas, classrooms, hallways, gymnasium, and/or bulletin boards that are rotated, updated or changed quarterly.
Offer information to families at least once per semester that encourages them to teach their children about health and nutrition, and assists them in planning nutritious meals for their families.
Offer information to families at least once per quarter that encourages them to teach their children about health and nutrition, and assists them in planning nutritious meals for their families.
Offer information to families at least once per month that encourages them to teach their children about health and nutrition, and assists them in planning nutritious meals for their families.
Physical Activity General Guidelines
All students in grades K - 12, including those with disabilities, special health care needs and in alternative education settings, have the opportunity to participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity at least 2 times per week during the entire school year.
All students in grades K - 12, including those with disabilities, special health care needs and in alternative education settings, have the opportunity to participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity 3 or more times per week during the entire school year.
All students in grades K - 12, including those with disabilities, special health care needs and in alternative education settings, have the opportunity to participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity every day during the entire school year.
Physical activity facilities in and on school property are safe with sufficient age-appropriate equipment for all students, including those with disabilities. Adequate adult supervision is provided.
School prohibits the use of physical activity as a punishment. Schools prohibit withholding physical activity, including recess and physical education, as punishment.
School offers lifetime physical activity that teaches basic motor skills, enhances knowledge of concepts related to movement needed to achieve and maintain health.
Students learn the benefits of and an appreciation for regular physical activity.
Throughout the Day
Structured physical activity opportunities, in addition to physical education and recess (where applicable), are encouraged for all students.
Structured physical activity opportunities, in addition to physical education and recess (where applicable), are offered to all students at least 1 time daily. School staff are encouraged to participate.
Physical Activity Education
The physical education curriculum is sequential and consistent with Kansas State Board of Education approved physical education teaching standards for pre-kindergarten through grade 12.
High school students are provided structured physical education in at least 1 course required for graduation.
Physical education curriculum encourages a multi-dimensional fitness assessment.
Physical education curriculum includes fitness assessment of at least 50% of all students enrolled in physical education and student fitness reports are available to parents.
Physical education curriculum includes fitness assessment of at least 90% of all students enrolled in physical education and student fitness reports are available to parents.
Physical education is taught by teachers licensed by the Kansas State Department of Education.
Before & After School
Extracurricular physical activity programs, such as a physical activity club or intramural programs, are offered.
Extracurricular physical activity programs, such as a physical activity club or intramural programs, are offered, with input from students, and meet the needs, interest and abilities of a diverse student body.
Family & Community - PE
Community members are provided access to the school's outdoor physical activity facilities.
Community members are provided access to the school's indoor and outdoor physical activity facilities at specified hours.
Community members are made aware of opportunities to access the school's indoor and outdoor physical activity facilities at specified hours.
Offer information via multiple channels at least once per semester to all families that encourages them to teach their children about physical activity, and assists them in planning physical activity for their families.
Integrated School Based Wellness
Annual staff wellness activities and/or professional development opportunities related to nutrition, physical activity and abstaining from tobacco are provided to encourage school staff to serve as healthy role models. Staff wellness activities and training may also include additional components of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model.
School staff are aware of Team Nutrition and the Healthier US School Challenge Award opportunity.
Developing policy to complete the CDC School Health Index.
Annually, offer school-sponsored wellness family activities that address one or more components of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model.
Each semester, partner with community organizations and/or allow community use of school facilities for wellness activities.
Partner with community /organizations use of school facilities for wellness activities.
Support the development of a farm to school program.
Facilitate the integration of a farm to school program and curricular activities including hands-on activities as appropriate to facilitate the nutritional and educational goals of the school.
Farm to school activities conducted each semester.
District or individual schools apply for one or more farm to school grant opportunities to support farm to school activities. Farm to school activities are integrated into core subjects.
Farm to school activities conducted quarterly.
The local school wellness policy team meets at least twice per year.
The school wellness policy and progress toward meeting the State Model Wellness Policy are made available to the public, including parents, students and the community.
The following Wellness Guidelines are in the process of being developed:
•All Food Sold in Schools
•All foods and beverages sold in schools are in compliance with USDA's Smart Snacks in School "All Foods Sold in Schools" Standards 24 hours a day.
•All foods and beverages brought in for classroom parties and celebrations meet Smart Snacks in School "All Foods Sold in Schools" Standards. The focus of classroom celebrations is not on food.
•Students learn about the nutrition requirements for school meals and some students are involved in helping plan menus.
•Marketing and advertising of nutritious foods and beverages to students is implemented consistently through a comprehensive and multi-channel approach by school staff, teachers, parents, students and the community.
Physical Activity Throughout the Day
Structured physical activities are planned by a licensed physical education teacher and integrated into health education and one or more core subjects, such as math, science, language arts, and social sciences, as well as in non-core and elective subjects.
Each semester, offer school-sponsored wellness family activities that address one or more components of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model. The wellness policy and progress toward meeting the State Model Wellness Policy are presented to the local school board and school staff.
The following students, parents, classroom teachers, food service professionals, physical education teachers, health professionals, administrators, school board members and other interested community members are engaged in developing, implementing, monitoring, reviewing and making the district wide wellness policies available to the public:
Troy Babcock, Chairperson
Brett Wuthrich
Kasie Kieffer
Joel Lovesee
Amanda Witty
Holle McQuitty
For all current local Wellness Policy reports go to KSDE's Data Central