“On Thursday, March 9th, the Bluestem 7/8th Grade Band and High School Band held their 2nd Annual Dinner Concert in the high school gym. Approximately 340 people ate dinner with an additional 100 spectators coming to also attend the concert. The concert began with freshman Noah Couey playing the National Anthem on the guitar, followed by the 7/8th grade band playing a variety of concert band literature. The High School band soon followed with upbeat jazz and pop tunes. Towards the end of the performance, items that had been donated by local businesses were actioned off to further aid with this fundraiser. The bands would like to add a special thank you to all the adults who pitched in and helped with this event: The Jeremy and Avery Nelson Family for preparing the AWESOME pulled pork, Aime and Steve Oltman for your help with auction donations and for help with the food, McKenzie Smithson for helping with food, Orville and Jodi Brown for helping with food, Katie Pretz for help with auction donations and in a variety of other ways, Amanda Becker for helping with set-up, the maintenance department for helping with set-up, and to ALL the Bluestem parents (especially for providing desserts!), family members, students, friends, and custodians who stuck around to help clean up afterwards! You are ALL amazing! We are SO FORTUNATE to have such a supportive community here at Bluestem!”

Bluestem Band Feeds Community’s “Appetite” for Music
March 10, 2023